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How to Study or Work in Groups?

Jasmine Freeman586 30-Mar-2019

Many students at love to work in groups as they like the idea of working with people from different cultures. In teamwork, they often create a quality of reflection and a diversity of opinions that are difficult to obtain when working alone. Although group work presents its own difficulties on occasion, it tends to encourage group members to express new ideas and to put their projects on the right track. If you want to know more about group study or work, then keep on reading this article!

Life cycle of groups

To create a productive group that fosters the learning of each of its members, it is important to understand and apply the following key principles:

• First, find common ground with team members, understand each other's expectations, and identify sources of conflict and ways to resolve them.

• Then clarify very early on the roles and responsibilities of each, including establishing the basic rules to follow in the group.

• Then, achieve the results that the group has set.

• Finally, reflect on what the group has accomplished in terms of both the product and the process.

Each member of the group has a role to play and must be able to express themselves and act both for their well-being and for that of the group. When working as a team, it is essential to listen to the ideas and opinions of all members.

The creation of the team

Choose the members of your team.

Select members according to the qualities and skills they can bring to the team. Group members are often responsible for finance, strategic planning, marketing, human resources, logistics, and production.

Make sure you avoid choosing your friends!

In case of problems, it is often difficult to confront friends.

Choose a team leader.

In addition to acting as a spokesperson for the group, the chosen person is responsible for organizing the meetings. On the other hand, the leader does not make decisions for the group and is not responsible for all the work!

The organization of meetings

Choose a means of communication.

Whether you choose to email, phone or face-to-face meetings, it's important to share your contact information.

Determine the frequency of meetings.

Evaluate the overall workload to decide the number and duration of meetings.

Choose the place and time of the meetings.

The team must agree on the location and time of the meetings, and each member must make sure they arrive on time.

Track the deadlines and tasks of each member.

Organize your time and priorities using project management software or a calendar or electronic agenda, as project managers do in their work. Doing all of it can consume your time and you might not save time to complete your assignments. So, make sure you consider investing in the best academic writing services UK from Pro Essay.

Team meetings


It is important that each member of the team is able to express themselves freely and that everyone's opinion is taken into account. Likewise, each member is responsible for actively participating in all meetings.

Respect the other members of the team.

To respect others is to listen to them. It's also assuming your responsibilities within the team, like doing your job properly and on time.

Avoid conflicts of a personal nature.

Have a professional attitude during meetings, it's your duty as a student!

Resist procrastination.

Remember, you all have work to do. Aim for efficiency in your meetings and avoid wasting time.

Share tasks

• Tasks should be assigned according to the qualities and strengths of each student.

• Prepare a plan for each part of the project.

• Evaluate the overall work and the type of task to be performed for each part of the project.

• Distribute tasks equally.

• Do not delegate all writing to one person.

The final step: gather everything

When you put all the work into one final document, keep in mind that the product is the work of the whole group.

• Check the initial instructions regularly.

• Read several times the final drafts.

• Determine the format of the document.

• Write sentences or transition paragraphs.

• Finally, write the introduction and the conclusion as a team.

Resolving conflicts

Here are some tips to help teamwork and avoid conflict.

• Communication and the exchange of ideas between members are essential to the proper functioning of the group.

• The team leader must be unanimous and able to manage the organization of the work.

• The team has to set some rules from the beginning: for example, what to do if a group member does not do their job.

• All members must respect the work schedule established by the group.

• Together, the team must set realistic goals.

• Everyone must understand the roles and responsibilities of each.

• It is together that you must work to avoid conflicts and resolve them.

• It is important to be open-minded and focus on the work to be done.

Use all these tips while working in a group to get the results you want.

Updated 30-Mar-2019

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